Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Imphal Talkies

A short note about the making of Imphal Talkies (June 2008)

Composing music is easy i mean financially and physically, but recording music is a real job particularly in place like Imphal.
For poor guys in Imphal talkies who don’t have a guitar to strum in studio, they really have to run hard
to find guitar that too among the bullets and barrels of Kangleipak's armies.
we were often disturbed by IRB (Indian Reserved Battalion)and Manipuri commandos, we were stopped everyday at Minuthong and asked what all we were carrying even if they saw it was just a guitar(which have killed the fascists in case of Comrade Guthrie's Guitar)

Our financial supports will surprise you guys... i was damned sure that i had to record my music.. whether i had money or not....whether i had guitar or not....it was the time i got some scholarships for my PhD. and my PhD title is "Cosmological Inflation and late time acceleration of universe"....and the scholarship really accelerated me to reach "the Shallow river studio"
I thank UGC (University Grant Commission) :)...i may get expelled for misusing their fund...this should be kept hush hush hush. And with a little help from many friends we finally emerged out as "Imphal Talkies" with eight recorded songs.

Why is it named Imphal Talkies?
There was this time movies were silent, when the voice became part of it ,,they were considered or called as talkies. In India talkies means movie hall/theatre (i dont know about other countries). Imphal talkies the band presents a speaking imphal/manipur.
Yes we have taken the name from the small movie theatre imphal talkies opp. Johnstone school which was called Rupmahal theatre in post Second World War. this theatre played a big role in shaping up contemporary Manipuri theatre. Many great plays of great playwrights like GC Tongbra were staged in Rupmahal Theatre. As we love heatre and inspired by old/contemporary Manipuri literature. We name the band as Imphal Talkies. The Band is also inspired by Beat Movement of America
Unfortunately there is no more Imphal Talkies now in Imphal. it has again become Rupmahal Theatre. now staging plays again. the last play i show was "Narsing" in Rupmahal Theatre.

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